
1,200+ Hotels in Myanmar


Chaung Tha

Alliance Resort

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

Stop at Alliance Resort Hotel to ascertain the wonders of Chaungtha Beach. The Hotel has aggregate you charge for a adequate stay. 24-hour foreground desk, 24-hour allowance service, baggage storage, Wi-Fi in accessible areas, aide parking are just some o ...

Amazing Chaung Tha Resort

Chaung Thar Road Chaung Tha.

Set in a prime breadth of Chaungtha Beach, Amazing Chaung Tha Resort puts aggregate the city-limits has to action just alfresco your doorstep. The Hotel has aggregate you charge for a adequate stay. All the all-important facilities, including chargeless W ...

AZURA Beach Resort

Chaung Thar Road Chaung Tha.

Set in a prime breadth of Chaungtha Beach, AZURA Beach Resort puts aggregate the city-limits has to action just alfresco your doorstep. The Hotel offers a advanced ambit of amenities and allowances to ensure you accept a abundant time. Service-minded agen ...

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0421,Room Number :80

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0341,Room Number :20

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0362,Room Number :88

Coral Chaung Tha Beach Hotel

Kyauk Maung Na Ma Beach Villa , Chaung Tha Chaung Tha.

Stop at Coral Chaung Tha Beach Hotel to ascertain the wonders of Chaungtha Beach. Alms a array of accessories and services, the Hotel provides all you charge for a acceptable night's sleep. All the all-important facilities, including 24-hour security, cir ...

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0400,Room Number :50

Chaungtha Village. Chaung Tha.

License Number: T-0339,Room Number :28

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: T-0392,Room Number :24

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0314,Room Number :62

Grand Hotel

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

Grand Hotel is a accepted best amidst travelers in Chaungtha Beach, whether exploring or just casual through. The acreage appearance a advanced ambit of accessories to accomplish your breach a affable experience. To be begin at the Hotel are chargeless Wi ...


Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: T-0379,Room Number :20

Hill  Garden Hotel

"Hill Garden Hotel 1 Shwe Thaungyan Road Chaung Tha.

The 3-star Hill Garden Hotel offers abundance and accessibility whether you're on business or anniversary in Chaungtha Beach. The acreage appearance a advanced ambit of accessories to accomplish your breach a affable experience. 24-hour security, circadia ...

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0306,Room Number :22

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0317,Room Number :20

Hotel Ayeyarwady

Pathein T/S, Ayeyarwady Region Chaung Tha.

Stop at Hotel Ayeyarwady to ascertain the wonders of Chaungtha Beach. The Hotel offers guests a ambit of casework and amenities advised to accommodate abundance and convenience. Service-minded agents will acceptable and adviser you at the Hotel Ayeyarwady ...

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0395,Room Number :36

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0444,Room Number :70

New Chaungtha Hotel

Chaung Thar Road Chaung Tha.

New Chaungtha Hotel is altogether amid for both business and leisure guests in Chaungtha Beach. The acreage appearance a advanced ambit of accessories to accomplish your breach a affable experience. To be begin at the Hotel are 24-hour security, circadian ...

Chaungtha Beach. Chaung Tha.

License Number: H-0856,Room Number :57

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